Crystal Energy

I will say there is a little bit of like a lighter energy when it comes to working with heat-treated orca agate rather than natural orca agate, but there is still so much manifesting power within this stone. if you really think about it, it is a quartz crystal, so when we think about quartz crystals, we know that they're the most programmable crystals out there. so you can definitely program an intention manifest things into your life with heat treated orca agate. so now let's jump over to natural orca agate.

Orca Agate

Natural orca agate carries a powerful frequency that allows one for the clearing and strengthening of the manifesting channel, and one's personal will natural orca agate has a way of purifying all three lower chakras. this is powerful because this is where manifestation takes place, and the energy becomes physical. so i have two pieces of natural orca agate from thegreencrystal, i have this beautiful piece of kundalini orca agate from the congo, and then i also have this really beautiful necklace that is natural orca agate. i will say i do feel like there is a difference when i am picking up the energy of natural orca agate is especially. if you do not like heat treated orca agate, i think you would agree you can notice this energy with natural orca agate. natural orca agate has a way of really strengthening our chakras, our lower chakras, and it's with our lower chakras that we can really manifest things into our life, and i will say i feel like the most popular thing to manifest with orca agate is money.

If you are looking to manifest money in your life, i would favor natural orca agate over heat treated orca agate in that situation. it is definitely still possible to manifest money with heat treated orca agate, but i feel like there's a heightened energy when you're working with natural orca agate for money manifestations. for example, i keep this kundalini orca agate in my money corner, i've just always done that, i feel like it really resonates with the feng shui of having natural orca agate in the wealth corner of your home, which if you're curious to know where that is when entering your home, it is the farthest left corner in this apartment. my money corner is in my closet. so i have a special area in the corner of my closet where i keep my natural orca agate, and i also do other kind of like money manifestation things in that corner.

Natural VS. Heated

Overall my experiences working with heat treated orca agate and natural orca agate have been very powerful, and very positive, and i have gone back and forth between the two and have had great results. so my experiences working with heat treated orca agate and natural orca agate have been very positive and very beneficial, and i've utilized both of them throughout my crystal journey. i remember in 2017, i think it was 2017, i was really looking to call in abundance and i was looking to call an abundance in all forms. it wasn't just financial and i think i just stumbled upon learning about orca agate at that time, and i saw the connection between abundance and orca agate and i was really engulfed, and i really wanted one. i wanted to work with orca agate, and the first orca agate that i started working with was actually a heat-treated orca agate at that time. i was really engulfed with my moon rituals. i would make sure to script write down what i wanted to manifest, and i'd have my orca agate with me, and not too long after i'd been doing that consistently, i noticed with my work i was getting booked more often.

Back-to-back gigs in the entertainment industry, that's where i was working at the time which resulted in me having more of a constant flow of money into my life, and i was like wow this is so interesting, like i really put my mind to manifesting more abundance, and all of a sudden ,like i'm having a lot of work opportunities and i'm making more money. this is really awesome that really kind of got me more engulfed in learning about orca agate, and i kind of saw how there is heat-treated orca agate which is the one i was working with in natural orca agate.

Overlaid the jeepers uselessly twice

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